Build Template Structure


This activity is used to define the contents of a template structure. It is possible to have several different templates linked together in a structure. If the structure of a specific part revision is controlled by a separate template,

The structure of a specific part revision can only be defined once when the Configured in Separate Template option is enabled, but it can be linked to several times from different templates, making it possible to reuse one single configuration multiple times. The Configured in Separate Template option is available so that while registering a new record you can immediately connect each structure branch to another serial structure template, and let that template control its configuration. You can un-do the configuration in separate templates by clicking Reverse Separate Template on preliminary templates that do not have connected structures. All template structures define if the parts in the serial structure are life limited or not. From the template structure there are certain rules for the values, this is dependent of the value of the serialized part. When defining a new template, you would normally work in the Consist Of tab and add or delete parts directly in the table of the page, level by level. When the template is in the Preliminary status, you can manually add or remove structure positions to the template. However, for templates that are in the Active status, you need to click Add Structure Position or Remove Structure Position to add or remove structure positions to the active template.

To build a template structure using the Manage Template Structure page, open the Manage Template Structure page and search for the necessary template part. If the template part has not been registered as yet, create a new template part as described in the activity Define Template Part.

When the template structure is in the Preliminary status, you can add or remove template parts that have already been defined in the structure. Adding a part into a structure level has the same impact as defining a new part at the same level in the structure. You can do this either by adding a new record and selecting a part number which already has a defined template structure or by clicking Add Structure Position option. The Add Structure Position dialog opens, and you can enter the structure position by selecting a valid value from the drop-down. When the structure position is selected the part number and revision appear automatically. For more information on adding a structure position to the template structure, refer the activity Add Structure Position.

To remove a part from the template structure, select the record and delete it, or click Remove Structure Position option. The Remove Structure Position dialog opens, and you can choose to set the structure position to obsolete when removing it from the structure. Click OK, and the system will remove the structure position from the selected structure level. You can view the removed structure position in the Removed Positions tab. For more information on removing a structure position from a template structure, refer the activity Remove Structure Position. Note: When the template structure is in the Active status, you will have to use the menu options to do these changes. Furthermore, it will not be possible to remove or add parts that are part of the minimum configuration directly. Instead, you will first have to reverse the minimum configuration setting by selecting the Reverse Minimum Config option, and then remove any parts installed in that structure position.


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