Connect Template to Template


This activity is used to connect an existing sub structure within a template structure to another template. The purpose of doing this would be to standardize the configuration of certain equipment types, and also to reduce the number of configurations for a single piece of equipment. This functionality is very similar to the activity Create Template from Sub Structure, the only difference being that this function reuses an existing template structure.

When an existing sub structure is connected to another template, the existing sub structure will be discarded and the template structure to which it is being connected will take over the configuration. To prevent the creation of invalid serial structures, the structure positions of the old parts need to be entered (in the Mapped Old Structure Position field in the Map Structure Positions when connecting Template to Template dialog) to match the structure positions of the parts in the new template. All serial structures that are based on this structure branch will be converted according to the new template. If the new template includes a new position, an empty structure position will be added automatically to all the serial structures using the new template. If the new template removes a structure position, you need to manually remove the corresponding serials from the serial structures before proceeding with this action.

Note : This can be done by selecting the row that contains the structure branch you want connected to the other template and selecting option, Connect Template to Template from Consist of or Multilevel tabs.


System Effects