Add Planning Structure Components


This activity is used to add components to a planning structure. A planning structure is automatically created when Planning Method is set to O or T for a manufactured inventory part. A component line identifies either a subfamily (parts with planning method T) or a Level 1 master-scheduled part as well as the quantity per assembly.

The quantity per assemblies for all subfamilies or Level 1 parts of a parent family should typically total up to be exactly 1. When the total exceeds 1, a warning message is displayed to users, who can still commit the data to the database. This total will exceed 1 when users typically want to over plan a subfamily or part. Another restriction is that a subfamily or Level 1 part can belong to one and only one plan structure (or top-level family).

To add a component, create a new line on the Components tab, enter the required values in Component Site and Component Part fields. The Quantity per Assembly field should typically hold a value between 0 and 1. This indicates the percentage that the subfamily or part constitutes of the parent family.


This activity requires that the parent part and the components must have been defined on the Inventory Part page and the parent part must have Planning Method set to O or T.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, components are added to the planning structure.