Create a Routing Template Manually


This activity is used to create a routing template. A routing template is a generic or standardized routing that can be directly used or referenced to define routings for many parts. The routing templates are available in the system providing a quick way to define the routing details for a part.

When using the templates, you have the option to copy or reference the template. If they are used to copy information into a part record, no link is maintained to the original template. Therefore, later changes in the routing template will have no effect on the routings originally created with it. If you select the reference option, a link is maintained to the template. Therefore, any change in the referenced template will have an effect on the routings originally created with it, unless they have been subsequently manually modified.

The Routing Template page is used to create, view and maintain routing templates. The routing template is site specific as it uses data elements such as work center, labor class and tools that are site specific.

Use the Operations tab on the Routing Template page to view and maintain routing template operations. For an existing template operation, all data is shown. For a new template operation, all data must be entered. However only the standard operations defined for the same site as the routing template will be copied or referenced.

You can use the Where Used tab on the Routing Template page to see which parts are connected to the template.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: