Detailed Revision Transfer to Site


Use this activity to start a detailed transfer of an engineering revision to a site. You can select whether you want to do a single level transfer or transfer all levels of the part. Only one engineering revision can be transferred at a time.

In Engineering Revision Transfer Actions page select the engineering revision for which you want to do a transfer. Click Transfer to open the Engineering Revision Transfer assistant.

Select transfer type, Detailed transfer or Direct Transfer and then select Single Level Transfer or All Level Transfer, depending on the levels you want to transfer.

Create Prototype Structure is select if you want to create the prototype structures via an engineering transfer.

Include parts where the part type has been changed is for the system to identify the transferable parts during the next transfer, if there is a difference between the values in Part Type and Current Inventory Part Type. This is similar in changing the PDM preliminary rev change from Not Changed to Changed.

Include Proposed Start and/or End Date(s) is to include the proposed start date and/or end date specified in the selected engineering revision(s) during a single level or all level transfer to its component parts. If the proposed start date is not defined, the current system date will be considered for the transfer.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: