Maintain Interim Orders


This activity is used to create a new interim order for a specified part. Interim orders are created when evaluating an interim order head record. A new interim order is created each time a component is added to the top level interim order.

The interim order can also be used to create a DOP order. When this is done, the DOP gets its structure from the interim order.

Use the Interim Order page and its tabs to view and edit the contents of interim orders. You can also edit manufacturing elements such as components, operations, work guidelines, and tools. Interim orders are created during the evaluation of an interim demand head record. A new interim order is created each time a component is added to the top-level interim order.

For outside work center operations, you can either select the Outside Operation Backflush type or the Outside Operation Supply type. If an outside operation item has not been entered for the outside operation, a message will appear. However, you have the option of creating a new outside operation item, by using the Create Outside Operation Item Action Command from Interim Order page.


System Effects

An interim order is created manually and the information can be viewed, reviewed, and edited.