Update Routing Operation Actuals


Use this activity to update the Usage Factor values of the routing operations using the calculated actual values of the usage factors in the Routing Operation Actuals Snapshot page.

This update function provides the facility to update the operation usage factors in three different ways.

When updating, it is possible to decide whether the update should happen either in the Current Buildable Revision which the calculations were done, or in the Latest Revision which is planned to be used in the future. 


If the Structure/Routing Update setting in the Site is set as Restricted, the update function will not perform for the routing revision alternates that are in Buildable status. Also, the Obsoleted routing revision alternates will not be updated. If the combination of Parent Part and Alternate No does not exist for the selected revision to be updated, then the update will not be performed.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, operation usage factors in the routing revision alternates update as per the selected options.