Operational Log

Operational log data, e.g., time in use, distance traveled, number of operations or cycles can be entered for the vehicle or for serials. The data is inherited to all serials in the structure at the time the data was entered. Reasonableness controls are done, and deviations are flagged. Operational parameters measured are a result of the operational parameters indicated for the serials maintenance group. 

Besides manual registration, it is possible to receive measurements electronically from other systems or equipment. This is fitted in each case. It is possible to look at the history of the executed measurements and the results.

The operation of a vehicle requires various kinds of documentation. An operational log is used for recording maintenance-related operational parameters, route information, and crew information. Operational parameter figures are used for releasing maintenance events.

During the operation and maintenance of a vehicle and its systems, we can expect a fault or other incidents to take place. It is important that all such activities, both assumptions and faults, are reported. An assumption might be an indication that something is wrong or potentially could become a problem in the future. A technical remark will be evaluated and might lead to a work order for restoring the operational capability or originated safety level. It is common to incorporate technical remarks as a part of an operational log.

Operational Logging

When operational measurements are done, you must set the date for the operation. You can also specify which operational measurements are performed. You must set a new accumulated value or difference value added to the last value for each operational parameter that is not to be calculated. You can enter any value, positive, negative or zero for the accumulated value. The value zero is not spread down to serials in the structure, and no calculation of possible operational parameters are done. When you enter a negative value, the new calculated value cannot be negative. The entered accumulated value must be within the limit of the entered maximum value for the serial's maintenance group. For the operational parameters that are to be calculated, no value should be entered. The application performs this calculation according to a formula in the basic data for the operational parameters.

For each operational parameter, the last value, value after overhaul, value after repair, total value, value this year, and values for the last year are logged. Each time a value is entered, history is made. It can be measured for the serial on the top level. But for serials of the same structure it is recommended to measure using the serial on the top level and let the spreading of operational data do the serial part of the structure.

When doing the operational logging, a control is executed to verify that the serial's structure is complete as far as equality with the template structure (error message for the 10 first missing articles) at the date of the measurement. Information is also given if the serial's interval maintenance has expired (run too far according to the due date), and information of serials with expired maintenance events.

When an overhaul that is ruling for reset is done, the value after overhaul and value after repair are reset. Note that if no overhaul in the maintenance plan is set to rule the reset, the values will not be reset, and the due calculation for the interval maintenance stops after a while.

Operational measurement is central to interval maintenance, which is based only on intervals. Historical operational measurements are used when entering fault reports to see how far the serial has gone when a certain fault occurred and when establishing fault and order history.

Before evaluating the formulas for the operational parameter to be calculated, every operational parameter not to be calculated must have a value. When this demand is fulfilled, the formula for one and each calculated operational parameter is evaluated with the values of the operational parameters, which is a part of the formula. Calculated operational parameters are evaluated as per the defined sequence, because an operational parameter can be a part of the formula of another calculated operational parameter. The example underneath shows the evaluation of the formula for the operational parameter TRIPS:

When creating a new operational parameter for a serial a check is done of the history of operational measurements to see if the serial has been measured before for this parameter. This is of current interest if the serial has switched maintenance groups. If the serial earlier has measurements with this parameter, the values for the last measurement are retrieved and used on the operational parameter that is established after the following rules:

If you do not want to use these historical values, the start values for the serial must be changed before new operational parameter are measured.

Automatic update of performed maintenance events

When performing an operational logging at an earlier date/time than the last performed maintenance for the same serial, there are some automatic updates taking place to secure that due dates are correctly recalculated. When a maintenance is performed (maintenance event types interval maintenance, modification and post maintenance check), the calculated due value and the performed at value are stored in the history for the relevant maintenance event type. Furthermore, calculation of the next due date takes place when applicable. When adding an operational logging to the system after the maintenance was performed, with a logging date prior to the performed date of the maintenance, we need to adjust the performed at value for the maintenance accordingly. The adjusted performed at value will also lead to recalculation of the next due date.

This functionality applies to operational loggings when using the Auto Adjust Subsequent Completed Mx Event option, when using the Correct Operational Loggings page, when closing a flight log, and when using the Change Operational Values command in the Serial Order History/Operational Parameter tab. Note that some limitations apply. The operational parameter values in the Serial Order History/Operational Parameter tab, are always updated. In the history for the relevant maintenance event type, only the latest executed occurrence for the serial and maintenance event code is updated. This is because the latest executed occurrence is the one that affects recalculation of the next due date.

For interval maintenance, the automatic update performs the following:

For modifications, the automatic update performs the following:

For post maintenance checks, the automatic update performs the following: