
Parameters are primarily used for determining when condition based preventive maintenance should be executed on an object. The parameter represents an object's condition such as Temperature, Quantity produced or Operation hours, Oil level, Pressure, etc. 

The parameter can measure one of two types of values; Accumulated or Limit values. An Accumulated parameter can for example measure operation time or produced quantity. A Limit parameter can be used to measure temperature, oil level, pressure, water flow, etc. 

On a PM action you can define what parameter values should trigger a preventive maintenance action. You can for example define a PM action so that if the temperature on a machine rises above 100 degrees, it needs inspection. Or when a machine has run for 40 hours, it needs to be lubricated. When a measurement is recorded against an object parameter, and the measurement value falls outside the acceptable values defined on the PM action, a work order is generated when the condition generation is run.