The query pages in IFS/Internal Ledger for company internal vouchers are Vouchers Analysis - Hold IL, Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL, and Voucher Details Analysis - Hold IL. These pages can be used separately or in combination. Select one or several lines in the Vouchers Analysis - Hold IL page, then select the Internal Voucher Rows command. Select one or several voucher rows, then select the Internal Voucher Details command.
The Vouchers Analysis - Hold IL page displays header information for the vouchers in the internal hold table. Each voucher in the table is represented by a line in the list.
The following commands are available in Vouchers Analysis - Hold IL:
Retrieve vouchers via Query or Populate. The vouchers are displayed in numeric order. If you select one or more vouchers, you can select the Internal Voucher Rows command or the Internal Voucher Details command to view the voucher lines. The Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL page displays the voucher lines in the internal hold table. Start by selecting one or several vouchers in Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL, then selecting the Internal Voucher Details command.
The following command is available in Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL:
Retrieve the vouchers via the Query or Populate functions. Populate retrieves all voucher lines in the internal hold table. You can also highlight vouchers in the Vouchers Analysis - Hold IL page and select the Internal Voucher Rows command. This displays the lines of the highlighted vouchers. In the Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL page, each voucher is represented by the same number of lines that the voucher contains. All lines belonging to the same voucher are grouped together. The values in the list come from the voucher header and lines. If you highlight one or several vouchers in the Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL page, you can select the Internal Voucher Details command for detailed information about each voucher.
The Voucher Details Analysis - Hold IL displays detailed information for the vouchers in the hold table. All information from the voucher header and lines is displayed, as well as additional information about the voucher reference. Retrieve vouchers via Query or Populate. Populate retrieves all voucher lines in the hold table. If you select one or more vouchers in the Voucher Rows Analysis - Hold IL page, these lines are displayed in the Voucher Type field with information displayed per voucher.