Cancel Structure Mismatch Log Entry


This activity is used to move the generated structure mismatch log entry to the serial structure mismatch history marked as canceled. A structure mismatch log entry is generated if a serial structure is changed on a work order or a shop order but the change performed was not valid compared to the serial structure registered in the system. If the serial structure defined in the system was the correct structure, you may want to cancel the registered structure change generated in the mismatch log. 

In the Serial Structure Mismatch Log page you can view information on structure mismatches that exist between a physical structure and a system defined structure.

To cancel a structure mismatch, click Cancel on the relevant mismatch entry.


A generated serial structure mismatch must exist.

System Effects

The generated structure mismatch is moved to the serial structure mismatch history marked as canceled. Canceled mismatch entries can be viewed in the Serial Structure Mismatch Log History page or the History per Serial/Mismatch Log tab.