DOP Logs

DOP logs are generated to inform or warn about events occurring when the DOP structure is created or released.

There are different types of DOP logs. The table below explains each type:

Log Type Event
Non Dop Config Generated when a DOP order is created for a configured part with the default supply type not set to DOP. The DOP order will be created with the Create Pegged value set to Pegged Orders anyway. Change the default supply type for the part to avoid this message in the future.
Non Dop Config CO Generated when a DOP order is created for a configured purchased part with default supply type not set to DOP if the site is set to use purchase component method Customer Order. The DOP order will be created with the Create Pegged value set to No Pegged Order. Manually change this setting to Pegged Orders to create a supply upon releasing the DOP order and change the default supply type for the part to avoid this message in the future.
No ByProduct Generated when a DOP order is created for a structure alternate containing by-product(s). By-products will not be handled by DOP.
Build Plan Routing For Part Generated when the top DOP order is created, but no buildable or plannable routing was found for this part.
Build Plan Structure For Part Generated when the top DOP order is created, but no buildable or plannable structure was found for this part.
Pegging Generated when a DOP order is created, but the part has a status that does not allow supplies to be generated when the Create Pegged value for the DOP order is changed to No Pegged Orders.
Structure For Phantom Part Generated when a DOP structure is created, but no buildable structure was found for the phantom or blow through part.
Purch Comp Method Cust Order Generated when a DOP order is created for a purchased part with a purchase structure on a site that is using the purchase component method Customer Order. Components for purchase parts will not be handled by DOP.
Serial No Breakdown Generated when a DOP structure is created, but the structure breakdown has stopped at a DOP order with a serial effective part. Reserve serial numbers for the DOP order and use the command Create Structure from the DOP log to continue.
Serial No Routing Generated when a DOP structure is created and the routing is serial effective, but no serial numbers are reserved for the DOP order. However, the creation of the structure will continue.
Serial No Release Generated when a DOP structure is released, but the release function has stopped due to missing reservations of serial numbers for a DOP order with a serial effective part.
Routing For Part Generated when a DOP structure is created, but no buildable routing alternate exist for the part. However, the creation of the structure will continue.
Structure For Part Generated when a DOP structure is created, but no buildable structure alternate exist for the part. The structure creation will be halted for the branch.
Routing Release Generated when a DOP order with a selected routing revision and alternate is released, but the selected routing is not buildable.
Resource Share Generated when a DOP order is created, but an operation was excluded due to an error in the configuration rules evaluation resulting in a value for both Fixed Resource Share and Resource Share per Unit. Only one of these fields may have a value in order to create the operation.
Zero Cost Generated when a DOP order is released, but the calculated standard cost is zero for a part with zero cost forbidden.
Configuration Value Change Generated when the change of a configuration characteristic value made on the demand order affects the configuration of a configurable parts started DOP order.
Configuration Quantity Change Generated when the change of a configuration characteristic quantity made on the demand order affects the configuration of a configurable parts started DOP order.