Add DOP Branch


This activity is used to add a DOP structure branch for a specific DOP order. The new DOP structure branch can either be created from BOM or copied from another DOP structure.

This is done using the Create DOP Structure/Routing dialog. To access the dialog click Change Structure/Routing, then Add Branch on the DOP Order page. In the dialog specify whether you want to add a branch structure from BOM or from another DOP structure by enabling either Create DOP Structure/Routing from Part Structure/Routing or Copy DOP Structure/Routing from other DOP. To create the DOP structure from BOM, select the revision and alternate for the structure and routing in the Create DOP Structure/Routing from Part Structure/Routing section. To copy the DOP structure from an existing DOP structure, enter the DOP order whose structure is to be used in the DOP ID field in the Copy DOP Structure/Routing from other DOP section.

This can also be done from the DOP Header page when expanding the tree structure in order to display the DOP order.


System Effects

As a result of this activity: