Calculate Buffer Part Attributes


This activity is used to calculate buffer part attributes. Buffer part attributes can be calculated for the selected part and for its top most parent parts as well. Once a part is set as a buffered part, it is necessary to assign relevant lead time categories, variability categories and the buffer zones. Once the part is set to buffered part, it decouples the lead time of the parent parts due to the change of the existing lead time of the parent. Other buffer part attributes also gets affected with this change. Calculation can also be extended to parent parts and to get that benefit as well. 

Note: variability is measured during the rolling time horizon for historical ADU, which is determined by the lead time category for the part. If this time horizon is longer than the time with issue transactions for the part, you should set the variability category manually, since the measured variability will be unrealistically high.


Part should be defined as buffered part.

System Effects