Activity Upload Work Scope


Load Work Scope command will navigate you to Load Work Scope assistance. There you have to select the Maintenance Order you are going to load your work scope.

Default External File Template “Bulk Import Work Scope File Template” is defined using "Semicolon" (";") as a Separator ID. This value can be changed based on your need. Make sure to generate the CSV file using your prefeed delimiter.

Browse or drag and drop the creaetd CSV to load your work scope.


Maintenance Order needs to be Created, in one of the following states ‘Initial Scope Definition’, ‘Under Preparation’, ‘Released’ or ‘Started’.

Top Part Number as assigned to the Maintenance Order must have a relation to an active Maintenance Program . Maintenance Program is set in Manage Serial Structure, .

Work Scope file need to be in CSV format, when standard template is used "Semicolon" (";") need to be used a s delimiter for CSV file. CSV file should be created according to the structure below,

Column Header Uasge
Customer Mx Event Code This column represents either an MPD Item Number, AD/SB reference or other Source code as provided from the Operator to the Service Provider, and is often referred to as Task Code. This will be used as Maintenance Code or Manual Maintenance Event Code. Length of this value is validated during the Work Scope Loading.
Customer Mx Event Code Description This is the description of the Task Code, this will be used as Maintenance Code Description or Manual Maintenance Event Code Description. Length of this value will be validated during the Work Scope Loading. When length of this value exceeds the allowed 35 characters, only the first 35 characters will be used as Event Code Description/Manual Maintenance Event Description. Full text is inserted into the ‘Remark’ attribute as associated with the Event Code
Customer Part Number This is not a mandatory value and can be left blank. During the load the associated Top Part Number of the selected maintenance order will be used.
Customer Part Description This is not a mandatory value, level this blank. During the load the associated Description of the Top Part Number in selected maintenance order will be used
Customer Serial Number This is not a mandatory value, level this blank. During the load the associated Serial Number of the selected maintenance order will be used
Child Part Number This column represents any Child Part Number which may require Time-Life Component inspections or replacements. This should left blank for frequent events/MPD Items (when Single Visit is FALSE). For Manual Maintenance Events value specified here will be added as Remark.
Child Part Description This column represents the description of the Child Part Number which may require Time-Life Component inspections or replacements.
This should left bank for frequent events/MPD Items ( when Single Visit is FALSE).
For Manual Maintenance Events value specified here will be added as Remark.
Child Serial Number This column represents the Serial Number of the Child Part Number which may require Time-Life Component inspections or replacements.
This should left bank for frequent events/MPD Items (when Single Visit is FALSE).
For Manual Maintenance Events value specified here will be added as Remark.
Position This column represents the position/location in the asset where the activity needs to be accomplished as related to the Child Part Number which may require Time-Life Component inspections or replacements (LH, RH, Cabin etc).
This should left bank for frequent events/MPD Items ( when Single Visit is FALSE).
For Manual Maintenance Events value specified here will be added as Remark.
Single Visit/Use This column indicates whether the Task Code should be handled as future recall, i.e. added to the library for future use or as a single occurrence.
For MPD Items/Frequent Events this value should be specified as 'FALSE'.
For Single Events this need to be specified as 'TRUE'.
Contract Group This column will indicate the Contract Group as associated to the Task Code. When creating an event this value will be used as a Contract Group of your event. During the Work Scope Load value specified here will be validated against the Heavy Maintenance Contract connected to the Maintenance Order.
Customer Origin Event Ref No This will reflect the customer event task number associated with customer mx event code. Value specified here will be added as Remark.

System Effects

Items in selected file will be added as Work Scope Items for your selected Maintenance Order. Any validation errors/warnings will be added to respective fields.

Summary Tab in Heavy Maintenance Work Scope Loader and Work Scope Load Handling – Airframe MRO lobby page will give high level visualization of your Work Scope Load.