Enter Order Quotation Data


Use the Order Quotation page to enter the received quotation replies for order requests. The order quotation contains information to create a single purchase order.

When the supplier has received a request for a quotation, the supplier returns a quotation that includes the requested details. Once you receive the quotation from the supplier, enter the received details in this page. Enter the price quotation and any discounts and additional costs for each supplier. In addition you can enter or change the supplier's part number and suppliers part description. If the bid is valid only for a limited period of time, you can also specify the Quote Valid To date either for the full quotation or for a specific line.

When you have entered the quotation details, the quotation receives the Answered status, and can be selected in the Order Quotation Approval and Order Quotation Approvals page.

Note: Order quotations can be those that were created automatically through a work order.

Order quotation lines can be created automatically as part of the B2B (business-to-business) interface work order tender workflow. To quickly find order quotation lines used as work order tenders, it is possible to search for order quotation lines with Work Order as the demand code and the work order number as the Order Ref 1 value.


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