Enter No-Number Part Line, Order RFQ


The request for quotation consists of two levels: a request header and one or more request lines. The lines are divided into two tabs. Enter purchase parts in one and no-number parts in the other. Order request lines for no-number parts are entered in the No Part Request Lines tab.

If a request has been initialized in IFS/Project or IFS/Project Delivery, the lines in the project quotation list without a part number will be converted to no-number part lines in the order request.

Price and tax calculations are controlled by the setting on the Use Price Incl Tax option. The default setting of the option is retrieved from the site. The setting can be changed before saving, if necessary. If the request for order quotation is created from a purchase requisition line, the default setting is retrieved from the purchase requisition line and the setting cannot be changed.


System Effects

The desired no-number parts are connected to the request for quotation.