Enter Part Line, Requisition


A purchase requisition is comprised of a requisition header and one or more requisition lines. Once the header has the Planned status, you can create purchase requisition lines.

Requisitions for purchase parts, including external maintenance and repair services, are entered on the Part Requisition Lines tab. Requisitions for parts without part numbers, i.e., no-number parts, are entered on the No Part Requisition Lines tab.

Note that express purchase requisitions, i.e., purchase requisitions with the order code 5 (Express) are not addressed in this activity description.

When you enter a purchase requisition for a new supplier without a supplier record, it is possible to perform a quick registration of the new supplier using an existing supplier as a template. When you do so, supplier information that is not company-specific is automatically copied from the template supplier to the new supplier, while additional information is entered in the Quick Supplier Registration dialog.

You cannot manually add any requisition lines to a requisition that is automatically generated by a demand. All requisition lines must have the same demand code.

Price and tax calculations are controlled by the Use Price Incl Tax option. The default value of the option is retrieved from the supplier for purchase part record. If the part does not have a supplier for purchase part record, the default value is retrieved from the site specified in the header. The value can be changed before saving, if necessary.

If you want to view a purchase price comparison, you can do so as soon as the part number is entered. Select the line, and then click Price Comparison command. In the dialog that opens, enter the purchase quantity that you want to use for the price comparison.

If the purchase part has condition codes enabled, the default condition code will be used unless another code is specified. If the requisition line is converted to a purchase order, the specified condition code will be used by default on the purchase order line.

If alternate parts are defined for the purchase part, you can view them by selecting the line, and then clicking Alternate Purchase Part Base Data. Any specified alternate parts on the site will then be displayed.

When the quantity/date on the Purchase Requisition page has been changed, you can replicate this change to a DOP order. When you update the Quantity/Wanted Receipt Date field on the purchase order line, the Replicate Changes dialog will be opened.
Note: The Send Change Request option will have no effect. Even if it is selected, will not apply to DOP.

If you select Yes, Revised Qty Due/Revised Due Date on the connected DOP order, the pegged quantity will be updated. However if the connected DOP order has other supply orders, an error message will appear and no replication will be done. An alarm entry will also be created.
If you select No in the Replicate Changes dialog, a replication will not be done and an alarm entry will be created to reflect the date mismatch.
One of the following options can be used to handle the alarm entry:

If the over delivery tolerance has not been entered on the Purchase Part page, the tolerance percentage will be taken from the relevant purchase group of the purchase requisition line and transferred to the purchase order line. In an instance where the over delivery tolerance is specified for both the purchase part and the purchase group connected to it, the value defined for the purchase part is considered.


For external repair orders, several other prerequisites apply:

System Effects

  1. The supplier split data is retrieved for the particular part, site, and period. The desired receipt date should be between the phase-in and the phase-out date.
  2. The system loops through each supplier. The supplier with the highest percentage is processed first by the system.
  3. The split quantity is calculated as follows: Split Qty = Std Multiple Qty * Round (Requisition Qty * Split Percentage/Std Multiple Qty).
  4. A new purchase requisition line is created for each supplier in the supplier split basic data.

The Supplier Split option is enabled on all the requisition lines, and the requested quantity and the split percentage are displayed on each line. The last supplier might not have an even multiple of the standard order quantity. In this case, a message will appear when the requisition line is saved. Note that all the calculations are performed in the inventory unit of measure. After the order quantity is calculated, it is converted to the purchase unit of measure for each supplier.