Update Order Prices from Supplier Agreement


This activity is used to update the prices on existing purchase order lines that uses the agreement as a price source with new prices defined in the agreement.

You can choose which order lines to update based on criteria such as line status and a specified date range for the order date, receipt date, or delivery date. You can also decide only to update the Planned orders. Any lines with the price freeze flag enabled will be excluded from the update. If there are open change orders for a purchase order, the price update will be done on the change order line rather than directly on the purchase order line.

Authorized orders will be updated based on the setting in the purchase order authorization rule.

Note that:


System Effects

The update job will be triggered for the agreement part lines with a Latest Price Update date later than the Include Lines Modified After date defined for the job and where the Exclude from Order Update is not enabled:

Note that the automatic update of prices through this job will not generate a new purchase order revision. It should be the implicit understanding, both internally and externally, that the price updates based on agreements are already agreed upon.