Create Purchase Order from Arrival


A purchase order can be entered directly from the Register Arrivals page. This option is useful for goods that have arrived without any order from your company, such as when a supplier refills a consignment stock that is located in your warehouse, as well as when receiving parts that are customer-owned or supplier-loaned.

Note: When a purchase order line is created for the receipt of customer-owned parts, the connection between supplier and customer is referenced by the system in order to default an owning customer to the line, if available. If necessary, enter or modify the owning customer in the Owner field.

A refill of a consignment stock at your warehouse, owned by the supplier, can be made in two ways. You can run the normal inventory level checks, such as order proposal, and then send the purchase orders to the supplier or you can report the consignment stock balance to the supplier and let the supplier be in charge of the refills. In the latter case, the goods can arrive without any order from your company. When the goods arrive, you do not have a corresponding purchase order line on which to enter the arrival, so you must create a purchase order line afterward.


System Effects

A purchase order is created and the purchase order is in status Released. The purchase order line is displayed in the Register Arrivals page, and you can directly enter the arrival in the Register Arrivals page.