Enter Duplicate Check Action


When entering a new lead, supplier request or account record, there is possibility that the same record already exists in the database. In such situations the new record can be treated as a duplicate. The duplicate check is a process that runs automatically in the background and identifies similar records that exists in the database.

This activity is used to define what should happen when a record is identified as a duplicate. You can configure a default action for all users, but it is also possible to specify different actions for specific representatives.

Since an account can be created from several different pages, the default action for account is applied only for business representatives, not for other users. Due to the same reason, the 'List Duplicates' action is not available in duplicate check action setup for account. Further, the 'Show Notification' action is not available in non-CRM pages such as Purchase, Purchase Part etc., as those pages have limited use by business representatives.

The Duplicate Check Rule page allows add/edit of different rules to be used in the duplicate search. There are some rules delivered by default.


There are no prerequisites for this activity.

System Effects