Add Scope


Use this activity to add a new Scope to a Request.

When the customer has an additional need for service, a new Scope can be added to an already created Request.

It is possible to select a pre-defined Service that will fulfill the customer requirement.

If the customer’s Reported Item with the service need is known (Model or Object), it is possible to specify the Service Item details and select any active Warranty periods or Contracts that cover the Reported Item.

It is also possible to define an Urgency for the Request Scope. The Urgency will affect the SLA and pricing of the Scope. The Urgency defined on the Request will be fetched to Add Request Scope assistant, but can be modified.

During scope creation, location can also be defined using the following options:

In cases where an object is specified in the reported item section and is connected to a location, the Location and Address fields will automatically populate with the associated location details. However, users will still have the option to override these details if necessary.
If the object is not linked to a location, the Location and Address fields will inherit the location details from the request. Similarly, users will have the ability to override these details if needed.


System Effects