This activity is used to add Urgency details to a Service. The Urgency is generally set upon customer request and controls the SLA and pricing of the Request. For example, a customer may want to get the work done quicker and is happy paying a higher price. The Urgency can be selected from a List of Values that will display all active urgencies, but can be filtered to only show urgencies related to the specific Service selected for the Request. If a Contract Line has been specified on the Request, the Urgencies can be filtered based on the Contract.
When you create a Request using a Service and an Urgency, the Request Scope will get the price rule and SLA from the corresponding Urgency in the Service, according to the priority order to fetch price rules and SLAs for a Scope.
As a result of this activity, an urgency record along with a corresponding SLA Template and a Price Rule will be added to the Service.