About Skills


Skills are used to define the requirements/ demands required to perform a specific task or activity. They are also used to specify the skills a resource has, which is used to match the resource with a task or activity during scheduling. When defining a Skill, a skilll level can be added to differentiate between capabilities of the same overall skill. This is optional and allows for better planning decisions when matching the required level of expertise for a task or activity to that of a resource.

Skills can be connected to resources of type Person, Tool/equipment, Crew.

The skills required to perform a particular task can be defined in Standard Task against resource demands (Person, Tool/Equipment, Crew). Skill requirements which are needed to perform a Work Task connected to a Location, Object family, Model or Service Object can be defined under each entity/page against demand types. Skill requirements which are needed to perform Work Task for a specific Activity Type can be defined in the Activity Type basic data page.   

When a Service Request is created, all applicable skill requirements will be captured from the Standard Task, Location, Service Object and Activity Type and inherited to the Request Work Task's Resource Demand.

Skill Types

Skill Types are optional and are used to group skills.

Skill Template

Skill Templates allow you to specify a set of skills that can be used to quickly add multiple skills to a resource. When using the Add Skills command on a resource, it is possible to filter the skills based on the template, and add all skills in one action.

Crew Member Skills and Skill Inheritance

There are two settings that determine if a skill is inheritable to a Crew:

If both flags are enabled, when a resource is added as a member to a Resource Crew, the crew will inherit the member's skills in accordance with the rules defined in Crew Member Skill Rules on the Skill Basic Data page and Availability Patterns.

Refer to Define Rules For Crew Skill Inheritance for information on setting up Crew Member Skill Rules.

For information about viewing the Resource Crew Skill Summary see View Resource Crew Skill Summary.