Analyze Capability Check Result


Use this activity to analyze the result from a capability check for a customer order or sales quotation line. The capability check uses an interim order structure to evaluate if the requested delivery date can be fulfilled or not. If the requested delivery date cannot be fulfilled, the interim order structure is used to calculate a new delivery date for the source line that will be possible to fulfill. For more information regarding capability check and how it works see About Capability Check.

You can see the main outcome of the capability check in the Result Summary section.

On the Evaluation of Requested Delivery Date tab you can analyze the interim order structure after evaluating the requested delivery date. If the requested delivery date was not possible to fulfill, some interim orders will have a highlighted Start Date and/or Supply Date to indicate that they are not possible to purchase/manufacture in time to achieve the requested delivery date. Those dates will be earlier than the next workday according to the site manufacturing calendar. If the requested delivery date was not possible to fulfill, you can analyze the interim order structure after a new delivery date was calculated on the Calculation of New Delivery Date tab. On both tabs you can decide whether you want to view all the interim orders or only the interim orders that belongs to the critical path using the Critical Path check box. The critical path is the longest sequence of interim orders that must be completed and can have several leaf nodes.

If Schedule and Create Load for Interim Order Operations was enabled on the Site/Manufacturing page and Reservation and Allocation was either Reserve and Allocate or Allocate only when the capability check was done, the capability check has scheduled interim order operations and generated and saved labor and machine load according to the interim orders net quantity and routing. Then you can analyze the expected workload impact from the capability check by navigating to Visual Capacity Requirements Planning page. The capability check workload will appear as Promised load.


System Effects