Reserve Customer Order, Batch Per Site


Use this activity to reserve many order lines as a batch per site, either directly or schedule the task as a background job. All customer order lines containing unreserved material are taken into consideration. The reservation will be done according to the automatic reservation logic i.e. according to rules configured for FIFO, zone ranking, handling units etc. This is described in detail in the About Reservation Management. In addition to reserving with the automatic reservation logic as a batch per site, you can do this line-by-line, order-by-order or shipment-by-shipment. The order-by order reservation is performed on the Reserve Customer Orders page. The line-by-line reservation is performed on the Reserve Customer Order Lines page. The shipment-by-shipment reservation is performed in the different shipment pages.

If the quantity of an order line is connected to a shipment, the reservation is done per order line and shipment. If the quantity is connected to several shipments, the oldest shipment will be reserved first. The quantities connected to shipments are reserved before any remaining quantity not connected to any shipment is reserved.

The Default feature enables you to use the default settings. Default settings are derived from the Database Tasks page set by the administrator.  

If you no longer want to pick and deliver the entire reserved quantity, it is possible to change this on the Manual Reservations for Customer Order Line page. For parts, query for the order in question and enter the required quantity in the Qty Reserved field. Save, and the quantity you do not want to pick is no longer reserved.


System Effects