Create New Serial from Inventory


This activity is used to create a new serial. All the serials received into inventory, which are not defined as serials belonging to either IFS/Fleet & Asset Management or IFS Maintenance, can be defined as a IFS/Fleet & Asset Management serial in the Serials from Inventory page.

When you enter a serial number, you have to enter values that will update the Part Serial page with information on the new serial.

All access groups assigned to the serial part can be viewed on the Manage Serial Structure/Access tab. If the serial is access controlled, only the users assigned to the access groups that have the Has Access field enabled can view and update information on the serial. When a new serial is created, the following will occur in relation to the Access Control feature:

To create a new IFS/Fleet & Asset Management serial from the serials that are received into inventory, open the Serials from Inventory page and search for the part number for which you want to create a serial. Select the row and then click New Serial. The New Serial from Inventory dialog will open. You can enter below details in the dialog.

To update the access groups for the newly created serial, open the Manage Serial Structure page and search for the part serial number you created. Click the Access tab. All the access groups inherited by the selected serial will appear on this tab. The Has Access field will be enabled for the access groups that currently have access to the serial. To either enable or disable the Has Access option, the following options must be used,

Note: The data on this tab can only be updated for the serials that are disconnected from a structure, and for the topmost serial of a structure.


System Effects