Enter Transport Route for Removed Serial


This activity is used to define a transport route for a serial part. During its life cycle a serial part can be subject to repairs, modifications or overhauls. This work usually needs to be executed by skilled workers and/or special tools or equipment. Therefore, when a repair, modification or overhaul is required for a serial part, the part has to be shipped out to the location where the work is to be performed. The location is retrieved from the transport route connected to the serial part.

Standard routes, which are predefined in basic data, can be used on the serial part and adjusted according to the required time frame for transportation. You can also choose to create a new route for a serial part as and when things happen, i.e., when an unexpected need for transportation occurs. These ad-hoc transport routes are specific to the serials for which it is defined, and will not be saved to the standard routes list. If this is to be a standard route, you will need to enter it manually in basic data.

When each leg of the transport route is finished you need to verify the details and complete the route leg by enabling the Complete option. Note: If a transport route is entered for a serial that is installed in a serial structure, it will not be possible to complete any route legs until the serial is removed from the structure (i.e., is a disconnected serial). When the Complete option is enabled for a route leg a corresponding history record is generated automatically for it. If the option is disabled, the generated history record will be removed automatically. The location code for the serial is updated in accordance with the latest completed leg of the transport route.

To perform this activity, use the Transport Route tab from the Serial Information page.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, one or more transport routes are defined for the serial part.