Install Part


This activity is used to install into the serial structure a structure entry lacking a serial number. You can connect both serialized and non-serialized parts using this activity. Only a part that is the same as or is an alternate for the part that was previously installed in the structure position can be installed. When installing parts to a structure position, you are allowed to install any prime parts or valid alternates, provided that the operational status of the structure was not changed from Planned For Operation. Once the operational status of the structure is changed from Planned For Operation, rules of interchangeability will be applied and you will no longer be allowed to install alternate parts that do not meet the validations for interchangeability of alternate parts. Note that it is also possible to install any prime parts or alternates for structure positions in completely new structures which are In Operation or Out Of Operation, but where no parts are installed after a structure change was performed. If nothing has been installed in the structure position the prime part of the serial structure template is used.

When a part is installed into a structure having an operational status of either In Operation or Out Of Operation, an entry will be created in the replacement history.

Depending on your workflow, you can perform this activity by clicking the option Perform Structure Change from one of the following pages.

Following is a description of the information that can be entered in each assistant step.

Step 1 - Structure Change Selection

Step 2 - Structure Change Details


System Effects