Enter Part Provisioning Rules on Contract


This activity is used to define part provisioning rules on the contract for maintenance that is agreed on between the customer (e.g., operator) and the service provider (e.g., MRO shop).

Part provisioning rules are a set of rules that indicate how the customer wants parts to be provided and maintained during a maintenance visit. Part provisioning rules can be defined on the part main group level. If there are exceptions to the rule, these can be defined on the part level (i.e., explicit rules). Only one part provisioning rule can be defined per part. Explicit rules defined on the part level will have the highest priority when applying the part provisioning rules, e.g., when setting material ownership for maintenance order material demands. There are two types of provisioning rules in this rule set:

  1. Material provisioning rules – The customer specifies how parts should be provided, whether the part is to be provided by the customer or the company (service provider). This is applicable for replacements or installations that should be done as part of the visit scope. To enter the material provisioning rule, select the required value in the Part Provided By field for the record.
  2. Repair provisioning rules – The customer specifies how parts removed from a structure should be repaired/handled. There are three scenarios: The company will decide how the repairs should be done (e.g., through a work order or external service order), the customer requires the part to be sent to a preferred service supplier for repair, or a replacement part will be provided by the customer or company and the existing part will be removed and returned to the customer without any repairs. To enter the repair provisioning rule, select the required value in the Repair Type field for the record. If the part is to be repaired externally, the preferred supplier should be specified.


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