Handle Parts or Handling Units in Shipment Inventory


When picked parts or handling units are located in a shipment inventory, it is possible to return, scrap, or move them. Note that for catch unit enabled parts, you must specify the catch quantity to return, scrap, or move. This applies when trying to return, scrap, or move less than the full quantity of the inventory part in a specific location.

Note that any change made to a handling unit structure on a shipment will be reflected for the handling unit structure in shipment inventory as well - the handling unit structure on shipment and in shipment inventory are kept in sync with each other. There will be inventory transactions created reflecting these changes.

For customer orders working with two-stage picking, if pre-ship delivery notes exist for parts and there is a change in part quantities, they need to be re-created and re-printed as the previous ones will be set to invalid. You can also create pre-ship delivery notes for specific orders that do not have delivery notes connected yet.

When source lines connected to shipments are handled in shipment inventory, actions must be taken on the shipment to get the desired outcome. Once a source line is connected to a shipment it cannot be managed outside the shipment. You might need to print new shipment documents and labels due to the changes, remove the source line from the shipment, reserve and pick other parts etc.

Scrap in shipment inventory is not allowed when shipment line is handing purchase receipt return or shipment order line with demand code purchase receipt. Then the scrap should be done in the purchase receipt instead.

When using the Return Parts command to handle Inventory Parts or Handling Units, it is possible to simultaneously select multiple lines with different source reference types and change their return location. The following locations will be available as possible return location types for the respective source reference types: 

Source Reference Type Possible Return Location Type(s)
Customer Order Picking
Shipment Order Picking
Shipment Order with Demand Code "Purchase Receipt" QA, Arrival
Project Deliverables Picking
Purchase Receipt Return Picking, QA, Arrival


System Effects