Enter RMA Header


A return material authorization is built in two levels, consisting of an RMA header and one or several RMA lines. The first step in a new entry is to enter the RMA header.

The RMA header contains information about the requesting customer and the site at which the return of material is authorized. The RMA header also contains information such as the date when the RMA was requested and the status of the current RMA. The status of the RMA header shows whether the RMA has been planned, released, partially received, completed, canceled, or denied. Information about the site or the supplier who receives the retuned material is also available in the RMA header.

Additionally, filtering options that affect the RMA line selections are available in the RMA header.

If the RMA is for a Jinsui invoice customer, the Jinsui Invoice option on the RMA header will automatically get enabled. However, if you need to have a non-Jinsui invoice, although the customer is Jinsui-enabled, then you can disable the option so that it is considered as a normal invoice.


System Effects

As result of this entry, an RMA header with a unique RMA number is created. When the RMA header is entered it receives the status Planned.