Reduce Quantity to Ship in Shipment Order Line


This activity is used when you want to redue the quantity to ship in a shipment order line.

When the shipment order line doesn’t have any demand code you can reduce the quantity by editing the directly in the shipment order line. The quantity cannot be reduced below the reserved, picked and delivered quantity.

The shipment order can also be used in the multi leg inbound logistics scenario i.e., the purchased goods arrive at an initial arrival address and then needs to be shipped to other address(es) until reaching the final destination address. In this scenario the demand code and reference of the shipment order line refers to a purchase receipt and the quantity must always be reserved. Therefore, reduction of quantity is done via a command and an assistant where you can both reduce quantity and specify the quantity to unreserve. When the quantity is reduced, the quantity reduced will go back to the receipt page. Similarly, if a quantity is totally removed that quantity will go back to the receipts page and can be seen in the available quantity to ship.


Reduce instantly in the shipment order line


Reduce via the Reduce Quantity command and assistant:

System Effects

 Reduce instantly in the shipment order line:


Reduce via the Reduce Quantity command and assistant: