Enter Application Values


This activity is used to enter item application values. Once the application (for payment) is received from the supplier, it can be connected to the valuation that is created, more or less, at the same time. If not, a new valuation can be created to carry out the valuation process based on the application date. Either way, in order to respond to the application received, a valuation must exist in the Planned status. The application is then connected to the valuation by entering application specific data to the valuation. Note: Only one application can be connected to a given valuation.

It is possible to enter summarized application values that are ot distributed to the valuation line items. According to the sub contract agreement, the supplier may send the sub contractor an application (for payment) that only has a summary of the work done, as the sub contractor may only be interested in registering the summarized application amounts in the valuation.

If at a later stage you need to connect the application to a different valuation, the connected valuation must first be set to the Cancelled status or it can be set to the Archived status by removing the already connected application data.

The entry of application values and application specific data to the valuation can be done manually by the contractor or directly by the sub-contractor if the supplier is defined as a business to business (B2B) supplier.

Note: If the supplier is defined as a business to business (B2B) supplier Application No, Application Date, Application Work Value and Application Stored Material may already have been entered by the supplier. In this case the fields are only entered if they are missing or need to be changed.

If the Receive Application toggle is selected, an application must be connected in order to further process the valuation, otherwise it is optional.


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