About Work Task Visits in Scheduling

This description is divided into the following sections:

What is a Visit in Scheduling?

A Work Task in Scheduling can be split up into multiple visits. This can for example happen if the Work Task duration is longer than a shift, or if the work is scheduled to start in the afternoon and the full scope is not possible to complete in the shift. A resource might start work on a Work Task in the afternoon (the first visit) and come back the next day to complete the work (the second visit). The Work Tasks that are split will have multiple assignments, each with a Visit Id.

Note: The split of a Work Task is done for one specific resource i.e. the same resource must be allocated to all the visits for the same Work Task.

What can split a Work Task into multiple Visits?

A simple example

As a simple example we can consider a Work Task with an expected duration of 6 hours that is created at 11.00. If the Allow Multiple Visits is not enabled, scheduling chooses to schedule it on the second day, since there is not enough time remaining on the current day to complete it.

Split Visit Simple Example

If the Work Task instead has Allow Multiple Visits enabled, scheduling is able to schedule it earlier, starting immediately after the break on the current day. However it is not scheduled to start before the break because at present the break is not allowed to interrupt the work task.

Simple Example

If the break is also allowed to interrupt the Work Task, it is now possible to schedule the resource to start travelling to the location immediately, and the Work Task is split into a total of 3 visits.

Simple Example

Visit Parameters

There are a set of parameters that control the visit handling in Scheduling. The parameters are: Allow Multiple Visits, Minimum Visit Duration, Scheduling Cost of Split, Interrupt, Interrupt Multiplier, Interrupt Priority and Split Min Priority. These parameters can be defined on Activity Types in Scheduling/Basic Data/Scheduling Activity Type and on the Work Tasks themselves. The Activity Type settings work as a template for all Work Tasks created for the Activity Type.

Scheduling with Visits

A Work Task that has multiple visits is handled differently to a single-visit Work Task. For a split work task, the data returned from scheduling will have a row for each visit in the <Activity_Status> entity. In the Allocations, each allocation record will hold the ID of each visit in a field called Visit Id. If the Work Task is not split, the Visit Id will always be 1.

Visit Statuses

There are two statuses related specifically to split work tasks. These statuses are: Follow On and Visit Complete.

Follow On Visit

Time to Completion

For Work Tasks that are scheduled with multiple visits, the tracking of the estimated remaining time of the work is an important aspect. To track this, and to update the duration of the full Activity accordingly, the Time To Completion should be entered when each visit is completed. Let's assume a Work Task has a duration of 5 hours, and is split into 2 visits. Visit 1 is 4 hours and visit 2 is 1 hour. When completing visit 1, there will be an option to state the Time to Completion. On the mobile device, this is entered in the Report In step.

In IFS Cloud Web, the value for Time to Completion will default to the Work Task Duration, reduced by the actual hours spent on the Work Task, up until that point. The actual hours are calculated from the previous visit work assignments start, until completion (value visible in Work Assignment field Actual Worked Hours). The value in the Time to Completion can be edited. If we assume that the first visit on the previously mentioned 5 hour job is completed with a Time to Completion value of 2, the subsequent visit will be extended e.g. Visit 2 will now be 2 hours. Depending on the shifts and the entered value, this could also result in additional visits being created. In the same way, the duration of a follow on visit can be decreased, if the user reduces the Time to Completion.

Incomplete work

When a resource is not able to complete the work for a split work task, and the same resource will not necessarily return to the work site, it is recommended to use the status Incomplete.  When the assignment is set to Incomplete, the user is asked to enter a reason and a “Time To Complete”. All remaining visits are cancelled and manual intervention is required to plan the task again. This allows for more flexibility in setting the requirements for the re-visit, rather than using split activities for the re-visit. When setting a work assignment to Incomplete, a cause must be entered.