Cancel the Master Operation


This activity is used to cancel an operation defined as a master operation.

If duplicate operations exist on the work order, these can be sorted into master and duplicate operations. Note that there can only be one master operation for the duplicates. For more information on setting master and duplicate definitions on duplicates, refer the activity Define Duplicates for a Work Order.

At the same time that you are canceling a master operation, you can choose to cancel all duplicate operations or to select one as the new master operation.

To cancel all duplicate operations, you have to select the Cancel All Duplicate Operations option and to define a new master operation, you have to select the Select New Master Operation option.
In the New Master Operation No field, enter the operation you want to have as the new master operation.

If dependencies exist on the operation being canceled, a warning message will be displayed with information on the existing dependency.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the master operation is cancelled. The Status field on the operation record is set to Cancelled.

Depending on your selection, all duplicate operations will be set to the Cancelled status or a new master operation will be defined.