Crew Allocation


It’s possible to allocate crew resources to unassigned tasks using the dispatch Console. Demand type Crew unassigned tasks are listed in the left side panel. A dispatcher can identify a Crew type Unassigned task from the left side panel using the label Resource Type Crew or filtering from Resource type. A dispatcher can simply use drag and Drop to Gantt or Assign dialog to allocate crew resources to the unassigned task. Members of Crew are visualized in Crew resource cards with a validity period. And also, valid crew members for each shift are visualized crew icons placed at the start of each shift. Same as the person resource type, crews are also supported with functionalities like View Nearby resources, View Eligible resources, and all functionalities in MAP and Calendar.

Crew Skills

Global Skills can be defined for crews and inherited from crew members as described in  Define Rules for Crew Skill Inheritance. Thse can be viewed by clicking on the 'Skills' command on the crew resource card on the Dispatch Console Gantt.



Resource Crew Groups and Resource Crew need to be created. After creating resources crews need to assign valid periods for Crew and Person resources with their validity period to properly use crew functionalities.

System Effects

Work assignments are created for Unassigned tasks with resource type Crew after allocation.