Define Scheduling Configuration


This activity is used to configure the Planning and Scheduling Optimization Integration. The parameter scope can be either Global or Dataset. Parameters with scope Global can only be defined on the Scheduling Configuration page and will apply to all datasets. Parameters with scope Dataset can be defined on individual datasets as an override to the global setting. The global setting on the Scheduling Configuration page will apply if a parameter has not been configured on the dataset.

The following parameters are configurable:

Parameter Description Parameter values
Dataset Configuration ID The Configuration ID for the Scheduling Workbench.

The Configuration ID is found in the Scheduling Optimization and Machine Learning Configuration page. Refer to the Configurations tab. Add a Configuration ID value and where the configuration has been successfully connected to the Scheduling Workbench.

This enables the workbench to be opened in IFS Cloud in a new web browser session or in the existing web browser session as embedded in a page. Refer to the IFS Cloud tree entries Scheduling Workbench (New Window) and Scheduling Workbench (Embedded).

Tips! The scheduling workbench can also be opened from the configuration in Scheduling Optimization and Machine Learning Configuration page.
Dataset Default Time Zone


This parameter sets the default value for Time Zone when creating new datasets. Select a valid value from the list, for instance Africa/Algiers, Europe/Berlin, America/Chicago, Asia/Dubai, Australia/Sydney.
Dataset Schedule from Work Task Status This parameter sets the default value for Schedule from Work Task Status when creating new datasets. Select a valid value from the list, e.g. Released.
IFS Cloud URL The base address that Planning and Scheduling Optimization (PSO) is using when communicating with IFS Cloud. In most cases it is not necessary to change the default value in the scheduling configuration. This value represents the substitution variable #URL# used in other places in the scheduling configuration. The default value is same as the parameter Extended Server Url configured in Solution Manager/System Parameters
Implicit Breaks This parameter is used to define breaks as Implicit Breaks. When the DSE makes changes to a plan, it does not consider making changes to the implicit breaks. Instead, the implicit breaks are deterministically placed into the plan, based on a set of rules. Implicit breaks do not have an SLA or base value, but will always be scheduled if it is possible to do so. Default value is No
Enable Site Constraints This parameter is used to define whether the site of the resource should be considered when sending data to PSO. Default value is No
Enable Competencies Enabling this parameter allows for sending competencies for DSE as Skill constrain when Scheduling activities Default value is No
Enable Skill Hierarchy

Enabling this parameter allows for sending Competencies & Certificate for DSE with considering the hierarchical order of levels & level points of relative skill. This does not apply to resource skills.

Default value is No
Object Group Filter Controls whether object groups are to be transferred to scheduling or not. See documentation for Define Dataset for further information on object groups in scheduling. If this parameter is set to None, object groups will not be transferred to scheduling. If this parameter is set to Site, object groups will be transferred using site as the group. Default value is Site
Enable Broadcast Error Handling By default, a full broadcast message is discarded when any record in the broadcast contains errors e.g. record locked. This is to ensure data consistency, however discarding a full broadcast message is not always the wanted behaviour and this parameter will allow for failed allocation records to be logged against the Scheduled Work Task record it relates to, along with an error message and the rest of the broadcast will be processed. In the Scheduled Work Tasks screen, the Output Status will be set to Failed and the reason will be added to the Error Text field.   Default value is No
Resource Detail Form Makes it possible to define the address link from the resource detail form in Scheduling Workbench to an IFS Cloud form. The value may include substitution variables from the drop down list such as #URL# and #RESOURCE_SEQ#. The title of the address link is automatically fetched from the IFS Cloud form name in the value in the address link. It is also possible to define the title of the address link by entering it within curly brackets {My Form Name} anywhere in the parameter value. Default value is the Resource Detail form (#URL#/main/ifsapplications/web/page/ResourceDetails/PersonForm;$filter=ResourceSeq%20eq%20#RESOURCE_SEQ#)
Activity Detail Form Makes it possible to define the address link from the activity detail form in Scheduling Workbench to an IFS Cloud form. The value may include substitution variables from the drop down list such as #URL# and #TASK_SEQ#. The title of the address link is automatically fetched from the IFS Cloud form name in the value in the address link. The title of the address link is automatically fetched from the IFS Cloud form name in the value in the address link. It is also possible to define the title of the address link by entering it within curly brackets {My Form Name} anywhere in the parameter value. Default value is the Work Task page: (#URL#/main/ifsapplications/web/page/SvcschSchedulingInformation/SchedulingInformationPage;$filter=TaskSeq%20eq%20#TASK_SEQ#)
Request Activity Detail Page Makes it possible to define the address link from the activity detail form in Scheduling Workbench to an IFS Cloud form. The value may include substitution variables from the drop down list such as #URL# and #TASK_SEQ#. The title of the address link is automatically fetched from the IFS Cloud form name in the value in the address link. The title of the address link is automatically fetched from the IFS Cloud form name in the value in the address link. It is also possible to define the title of the address link by entering it within curly brackets {My Form Name} anywhere in the parameter value. Default for the Request Task page:
Appointment Booking Layout Mode Makes it possible to define the appointment booking layout, i.e. grid layout, calendar layout or both. Possible values are "Calendar", "Grid", "Calendar,Grid" or "Grid,Calendar".
Request Timeout (Seconds) Makes it possible to set the timeout (in seconds) for an Appointment Request. If no offers are received from the ABE within the timeout then a warning message is raised.  Default is 30 seconds.
Offer Timeout (Seconds) Makes it possible to set the timeout (in seconds) for an Appointment Offer. If no offers are accepted within the timeout then the ABE releases the offered slots. The default value is 600 seconds.
Cleanup Wait Time (Seconds) This is the parameter that tells the schedule task (Cleanup Scheduling) how often it should be carrying out its clean up job. Once it is triggered, the appointment request/ offers which are not handled will be removed. The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
Nearby Resource Distance Default aerial distance between a Resource and an Unallocated task in kilometers, which is to be considered when locating nearby Resources in the Dispatch Console. A Dispatcher can later change the value in the search context. The default value is 2 kms.
Enable MRA Categories Enabling this parameter allows for sending Miscellaneous Resource Allocation Categories to PSO (Active and Hidden). The default value is Yes
Send MRA Description Enabling this parameter allows for sending Miscellaneous Resource Allocation Description to PSO. The default value is Yes.
Update Plan Changes Controls whether or not plans produced by the scheduling engine should update assignments associated with the changed allocations. This value can also be controlled on a dataset level. The default value is Yes.
Update Plan Changes Status Used to control upto and including which Assignment Status should be considered when updating assignments based on the plans from the scheduling engine. It is not recommended to use a status greater than Assigned. This value can also be controlled on a dataset level. The default value is Assigned.
Update Plan Change Minutes Diff Used to control when assignments should be updated, based on the difference between the dates on the allocation record and the assignment record e.g. if the time (in minutes) between the allocation start date and the current assignment start date, is equal to or greater than the defined "min diff", the assignment should be updated.  This value can also be controlled on a dataset level. The default value is 10
GPS Cutoff Time (Hours) Used to control how long a GPS fix is valid. If the latest known position is older than the cut off time, it will no longer be considered as the current location. The default value is 12




System Effects