View Eligible Resources


This action is available on an unassigned task resulting the most eligible resources to perform the task to be filtered on the Gantt based on the Resource Group, Competencies, Licenses and Region defined on the Task.

When mapping the resources with required Competencies, Certificates, and Skills, the skill validity period defined for each resource will be checked against the date constraints of the task(if specified any). These values fetched into the search context can be altered to end up with a perfect match who can fulfill the requirements given in the task. With this simple click, the dispatcher can quickly narrow down the resources out of a large resource pool to find a perfect match to carry out the task and simply use the drag and drop option on the Gantt to allocate it.


An active Dataset need to be defined for the desired company. Dispatch console has to be loaded with data mainly Resources and Unfulfilled demand lines. Resources must be connected to Resource Group, Competencies, Licenses and Regions etc.

System Effects

As a result of this activity Resources on Dispatch console gantt get filtered to be used for quick allocation.