View Resource Utilizations


The Utilization View is a helpful tool for the dispatcher as it analyzes how effectively the crew/individuals are being utilized for work allocations on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. By visualizing the important information on the gantt, based on the time scale selected, the dispatcher can make smarter decisions in the allocation process.

The 'Utilization View" command on the gantt, will visualize the Resource Utilization in the current time scale i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Users can switch back to Work Assignment mode using "Activity View" command.

Only Activity View would be availabile for Hour Scale and only Utilization View would be available for Month Scale. The Utilization bars in the gantt get colored according to the values specified in the Legend.

Users may need to manually refresh the gantt when the Scheduling Window is not long enough to visualize a month data.


An active Dataset need to be defined for the desired company. Dispatch console has to be loaded with data mainly Resources and with few allocations done for week/month.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, utilization bars will be visualized on the gantt.