Work Assignments

This page includes the following sections:


Work assignments are assigned to resources that are allocated to perform work on a work task. The resource assigned can either be a person resource, a tool and equipment resource or a crew resource.

The work assignment needs to have a resource assigned to it. This resource is either set by a manual allocation process or from a scheduling engine. Additionally the work assignment needs to have an allocated start and an allocated finish defined which is also set by the allocation-process where the work assignments are created. In addition to the allocation dates the number of hours that the resource is assigned to the work are displayed in the field Allocated hours.

Work assignments can be sent to a mobile device if IFS/Mobile Work Order is used. By selecting Transfer To Mobile the work assignment will be sent out to the mobile device. If the work assignment is sent to a mobile device the Sent field will have a date and time-stamped that corresponds to the time when the work assignment was sent to the mobile device. If the work assignment is downloaded to a mobile device the field Downloaded will show the information of the date and time when the work assignment was downloaded.

Work Assignment Status Handling

The statuses on the work assignment are:

Work Assignment Dates

There are four different dates on the work assignment to track the execution of the work performed. Assignment Start, Work Start, Work Finish and Assignment Finish:

Task Leader Work Assignment

For each work task there will be one work assignment (of type person resource) that is set as the Task Leader work assignment. The first work assignment that is created for the work task will be set as the Task Leader by default. If there are multiple work assignments connected to one work task there can be only one task leader work assignment. In the case of multiple work assignments the task leader flag can be changed to another work assignment by selecting Set as Task Leader. However, if the task leader work assignment is set to Cancelled, the next work assignment will automatically receive the task leader flag.

When there is a visit chain, all the work assignments will receive the Task Leader flag.

Cancelling or Incompletion of Work Assignments

When the work assignment is set to Cancelled status or Incomplete the cause of the cancellation or the incompletion needs to be stated. The information about the cancellation and incompletion is visible on each work assignment in the Cancel Cause and Incomplete Cause fields together with its description.