Work Task Preparation, Planning and Allocation

Work tasks can be created or generated through several ways depending on different requirements. An inquiry for work can either come from a repair work order, a work order from a PM (Preventive Maintenance) action, a service request or fault report, or from IFS/Project.

If the work order is generated from a PM action it will contain work tasks and/or work task steps corresponding to each of the PM action's work lists. If the work order and work tasks have been generated via a PM event generation there will be relevant event information available both on the work order (event identity) and on the work tasks (event identity and event period number). If wanted this event information can be updated.

If the workorder is initiated from a service request (in IFS Service Management) or a fault report, they need to be evaluated and work tasks should be created for preparation and execution of work. There is no restriction on the number of work tasks connected to the work order. The user can organize the work tasks in such a way so that it eases the execution and follow-up of work performed.

When preparing the work task, enter general information such as work type, priority, operational status, coordinator etc. Optionally pre-posting information can also be updated. If there is a requirement for sign off, those can too be defined on the work task at this stage. Execution order of the work tasks can be set by defining the Order No but if there is a need to have a firm arrangement of work task execution sequence, work task dependencies can be introduced.

Work task steps are used to categorize the work content of a work task. If the work order is generated through a PM action with PM Group ID and Merge option selected, the work order would be generated with a work task and there will be work task steps connected to the task representing the information on each PM action. It is also possible to add work task steps manually, if required.

The persons and/or tool/equipment resources required to perform the work can be set up as resource demands. These resources should be either internally sourced or externally sourced. Person and Tool/Equipment resources can be planned on the work task as demands with information on the resource group, planned quantity etc. Furthermore, it is possible to include additional qualifications(competencies and/or certificates) that might be required by the resource. External person resource requirements such as supervisory or consultancy work can be supplied as a service purchased from outside. Tool/equipment can be sourced through rental demands defined with information such as rental supply option, Part No, planned rental duration etc.
Other expenses and external costs can be planned on the work task to reflect all the planning costs and revenues.

To perform a maintenance or a service, inventory or non-inventory parts might be required to be replaced or added. These material requirements can either be reserved and issued from inventory if available or can be purchased from a supplier. During the work task planning stage, these needs should be identified and planned in order to execute the maintenance/service without interruptions.

If IFS/Service Management is used, enter information on the customer such as contact information, the customer ID, and if there are any service contracts connected to the customer that are applicable for the work to be performed.

Resource allocations for a work task are defined as Work Assignments. The work assignments can be defined directly for the work task or for a resource demand that is planned on the work task. Futhermore, resource allocation can be performed through various scheduling engines. This will automatically create work assignments for the work task.