DB Column | Object | DB Column Default Value |
3D_CAD_METADATA_DOCTYPE | Document Title | Define the document type that should be used for the CAD integration meta data storage. File types connected to the document typed defined by 3D_CAD_METADATA_DOCTYPE will always be saved in the database repository. The value to be set would be the value “ETRAGE”. If a generating database repository is not found, an error will be raised. |
ALLOW_INS_OBSOLETE_CHILD_DOC | Document Title | Determines whether it should be possible to insert an obsolete document as child under a new parent document, and also whether we should copy the obsolete child documents when creating a new revision. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
ALLOW_UPD_COMMENT_REL_DOC | Document Revision | Determines whether it will be possible to add, update and delete a comment file when the document is in Approved or Released statuses. Possible values are Y(es)and N(o). Default value is N. |
APPROVAL_TEMPLATE | Approval Routing | This value determines if and which approval template is automatically attached to a new document. This applies only the first time, when creating the title. When creating new document revisions or new sheets, approval templates will not be attached. |
ATTACH_CREATE_NEW_FORM | Create Document Dialog | This value determines the dialog that will be opened when the New Document button in the Documents Attachment panel is clicked. Possible values are Create Document Assistant, Create New Document and Create Documents. |
CHECK_FILE_EMPTY | Document Revision | When approving a document, this value is used to check if the document has a checked in file that is empty (0 byte size). Possible values are Y(es) and N(o). Default value is Y. A warning message will be shown when the value is set to Y. No warning is shown when the value is set to N. This default value can be set only centrally in the Document Basic/Document Default Values page. It cannot be set individually for each class. |
COPY_BLOCKED_PERSON | Document Revision | This value determines if the blocked persons should or not be granted Access or set as Approvers. Possible values are Y(Yes) and N(No). Default value is N. If the value is set to Y, All persons will be copied to Access or Approvals tab even if Blocked. If the value is set to N, Blocked persons will not be copied but the rest will be copied to Access or Approvals.This default value can be set centrally in the Document Basic/Document Default Values page which is inherited to Document Classes. It can be modified accordingly per each class. |
DAYS_EXPIRED | Document Revision | Default number of days before an obsolete document has expired. |
When performing file operations in Document Management through the ifsfileservice servlet (also known as the FTS – File Transfer Service),
the ticket folder should be created in a common path that all cluster environment nodes can access.
The path should be the exact same one as was entered during installation of the server. e.g:- \\Server\Share\Folder |
DOC_CLASS | Create Document Dialog | This value is used as the default value for the document class in the Create Documents and Create New Document dialogs in the Windows client. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_CLASS | Create New Document Assistant | This value is used for the default value for the document class in the Create Document Assistant in the Windows client. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_CLASS | Doc File Import | The default document class to be used when importing files using the File Import page. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_DIST_IMMEDIATELY | Doc Dist Engine | Controls whether the Execute Immediately option in the Document Distribution Assistant is selected or not by default. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_INFO_ALT_LAYOUT | Document Revision | Defines the value of the alternate screen layout. Alternate screen layouts are used to create custom layouts for the Document Revision page. If this field is empty, the alternate screen layout option will not be available. If a value is given in this field, it should also be given as the Process for the Target field in the Properties of the new navigator item when creating a alternate layout. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_ISSUE_MANDATORY_FIELDS | Document Revision | Defines the mandatory fields that should have values to;query in the Document Revision If this value is empty, querying in the Document Revision page will be performed without any checks for mandatory fields or values. Enter the fields in the following format: DOC_CLASS^DOC_NO^DOC_SHEET^DOC_REV^. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
DOC_REV | Document Title | Default first document revision. E.g., A1. |
DOC_SHEET | Document Title | Default sheet number for the first document sheet. E.g., 1. |
FILE_IMPORT_TITLE_PATTERN | Doc File Import | Pattern used to format the titles of documents created using File Import. Put %f in place of the file name being imported. Other text is taken as it is. Example: Imported file %f, might produce a title Import file my_document. Notice that the file extension is stripped. |
FILE_PATH_FOR_BATCH_TRANSFER | Batch Transfer Handler | This value is used when you use the assistant to transfer documents from one repository to another. It points out a directory on the extended server where the files are stored temporarily when they are moved. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class |
FIRST_SHEET_ORDER | Document Title | Default sheet order number of the first document sheet. E.g., 10. |
FORMAT_MANDATORY | Document Revision | Determines whether the format should be entered or not when creating a new document revision. |
FOLD_NAV_DOC_NODE_TEXT | Document Revision | Determines how the document node text is displayed
in the tree navigator in Document Folder Navigator page. Supported variables are %TITLE, %DOCCLASS, %DOCNO, %DOCSHEET and %DOCREV. Node text can be defined as any combination of these supported variables as required. Given a document with the title "My document", the document class "100" and the document number "12345", here are some examples and the resulting node text: Example 1; Default value: %TITLE Node text: My document
Example 2; Default value: %TITLE (%DOCCLASS - %DOCNO) Node text: My document (100 - 12345) |
FORMAT_SIZE | CreateDocumentDialog | This value is used as the default value for the document format when using the drag-and-drop functionality in the Windows client and the Office Add-In feature in the Windows. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
FORMAT_SIZE | Doc File Import | This value is to be used as default format size when importing files using the File Import page. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
IFS_CAD_DB_ALIAS | Document Revision | This field determines the Oracle tnsnames alias used in document macros for IFS CAD applications. |
KEEP_LAST_DOC_REV | Document Reference Object | The field determines what happens to the connected object when a new document revision is created. Values are : F (fixed) = object remains with current revision. L (Latest Revision) = object moves to latest revision. R (latest released) = object moves to latest released revision. |
LANGUAGE_CODE | DocLanguage | Default language for new document issues. The value must be an ISO language code that has been registered in Application Services. E.g., en (English). |
LIMIT_NORMAL_STATE_CHANGES | DocIssue | This value is used when doing a status change of large number of documents to approved state or released state. The value determines the minimum number of documents for which the system automatically creates a background job. Values must be between 1 and 100. Can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
LMT_OBJ_CON_SHOW_WIZARD | Document Revision | This value is used when a new sheet or revision is created or when a document is released. The value determines the maximum number of object connections that will be displayed in the assistnt. If the number of object connections is greater than the specified number, the objects will not be displayed in the wizard and the user have to select an option which will affect all the object connections. Can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. Possible values are between 2 and 9999. |
MAKE_WASTE_REQ | Document Title | The value specifies if revisions and their copies are to be deleted when the document title is obsolete or has expired. Values are: Y(es) = revisions and possible copies outside the system should be deleted. N(o) = no action is required. This default value is for informational purposes only and affects nothing else in the system. This value is displayed in the Destroy field in Document Revision/Title tab |
NO_OF_PRELIMINARY_REVISIONS | Document Revision | This field sets the preliminary revision control of a document sheet. MANY = Can have as many revisions as you like in preliminary status. ONE = Can have only one preliminary revision of a document sheet. |
NO_OF_RELEASED_REVISIONS | Document Revision | This field sets the released revision control of a document sheet. MANY = Can have as many revisions as you like in released status. ONE = Can have only one released revision of a document sheet. |
NUMBER_COUNTER | Document Title | Specifies the default number counter used for advanced number generation. Enter the default value for the ID1of the number counter. E.g, Drawings. |
NUMBER_GENERATOR | Document Title | Specifies if the advanced document number generator is used. Values are: ADVANCED = used. STANDARD = not used. |
OBJ_CONN_REQ | Document Title | This field determines if a document title must be connected to a business object before it can be released. The values are: Y(yes) = an object must be connected. N (no) = document can be released without a connected business object. |
If this is set to Y (yes) then the previous
revisions will also be deleted after being set to obsolete. Related to Business Analytics. |
If there was a change in the report parameters,
previous obsolete revisions will not be deleted if this setting is set to Y (yes). Related to Business Analytics. |
REP_ARCH_SET_PREV_OBSOLETE | Document Title | This value is used when IFS Document Management stores an Excel report from Business Analytics. It controls whether previous revisions of the document will be set to obsolete or not when a new revision is created. |
RESTRICTED_ACCESS | Document Title |
This setting determines if general information about the document should be hidden from Persons without access to it. If Y (yes) is entered, only Persons who have at least View Access will see that a document even exists. If N (no) is selected, Persons without access to the document will be able to see its general information. |
SAFETY_COPY_REQ | Document Title | This field specifies the document title's requirements for the creation of a safety copy. Valid values are Y (yes) and N (no). If this field is set to Y(es), a safety copy is required for this document title. This field is for informational purposes only and affects nothing else in the system. |
SEND_FILE_BY_EMAIL_BODY | E-Mail Body | This field specifies the attributes defined in the format of the E-mail body, when performing the Send Document File By E-Mail command on a document revision. The supported variables inside the above format strings are [docclass], [docno], [docsheet], [docrev], [doctype], [title], [filename] and [state]. Maximum 4000 characters are allowed to use in document default value field. |
SEND_FILE_BY_EMAIL_SUBJECT | E-Mail Subject | This field specifies the attributes defined in the format of the E-mail subject, when performing the Send Document File By E-Mail command on a document revision. The supported variables inside the above format strings are [docclass], [docno], [docsheet], [docrev], [doctype], [title], [filename] and [state]. Maximum 4000 characters are allowed to use in document default value field. |
SET_APPROVED_SEC_CHKPT | Document Revision | This field determines if the Security Checkpoint assistant will be shown to the user (requiring authentication) when trying to approve a document. Y(es) = Checkpoint is enabled. N(o) = Checkpoint is disabled. |
SHEET_ORDER_STEP | Document Title | Determines how much the sheet sort order value is increased each time a new sheet is created for a document title. Use the value 10 to allow for the creation of in-between sheets. |
STRUCTURE | Document Title | Determines if the structure attribute will be selected or not selected by default. The value can be set centrally or per document class. Typically set this to Y(es) for classes where you often handle structure documents. |
SYSCFG_SOX_LOG_EXPIRE_DAYS | Edm Op File Announce | Controls how old records in the File Operation Log window can become before they are expired (removed). The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
TRANSMITTAL_ACK_CLASS | DocumentTransmittal | Document class used when a transmittal acknowledgement is checked in. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
TRANSMITTAL_REPORT_CLASS | DocumentTransmittal | Document class used when a transmittal report is checked in. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
UPDATE_DURING_APPROVAL | Document Title | This will control if the Update during Approval option in the Document Revision window should be selected by default or not. Possible values are Y(es) and N(o). |
UPD_APPR_OR_REL_ALLOWED | Document Title | This field determines if a document title with Released or Approved revisions is allowed to be edited. Y(es) = Edits allowed. N(o) = Edits not allowed but if you have document management administrator system privilege, you can edit the document. |
VIEW_FILE_REQ | Document Title | Specifies the default value for the View Copy requirement for document titles. Values for each new document revision are: Y(es) = a view copy (PDF) is required. N(o) = no view copy required. |
WEB_SITE_ADDRESS | Document Revision | Defines the web address of the server where IFS Cloud web is installed. The value can only be set centrally (Document Basic/Document Default Values page) and cannot be set for each class. |
REPLICATE_MAX_FILE_SIZE | EDM File Storage | This allows the file to be replicated to the offshore only if it is up to a set size. A file of greater size than the limit cannot be checked in. This limit applies to both, the original file and view copy. |
DOC_ATTACHMENT_COUNT_LIMIT | Document Reference Object | This value determines the maximum count of documents a user can list and export which are connected to an object. Default value is 1000 and integers are the only acceptable value. |