Change Object Status


This activity is used to change the status of the CRM Business Object. When creating a new business object record, active is set as the default status. The status can be changed to inactive if the business object is no longer in use. For example, if the object record was created related to a construction project. Then the object record can be set inactive when the project is completed or if you are no longer interested in the project.

When changing the status, you can either change it for the existing object or change it for all the levels below in hierarchy. When inactive, the record can not be modified. Further, the opportunities, quotations etc. cannot be connected when an object is set as inactive. However, the filters used to view the connected opportunities, quotations etc. are not affected by inactive status. You can change the status from inactive to active, if you want to modify the record again.


A Business Object must have been created.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the status of the business object changes.