When a user modifies the configuration on a customer order for a configurable part, and this change impacts a supply that has already begun, and the site parameter Allow configuration changes for started supplies is enabled, a configuration change request record is generated automatically upon saving the new configuration.
The system displays information to the user, explaining that a configuration change request is created. The user can continue editing the configuration if the configuration change request status is Planned. However, if the configuration change request is Released, the user cannot make further configuration changes until the request is either Completed or Declined.
Release a configuration change request means that the configuration changes that have been done on the sales order are now decided to be investigated to see which impact the configuration changes will have on the started supplies in production.
This investigation step when the configuration change request status is set to Released is important in this business flow so the user can investigate if the requested production changes can be done or not.
Approving a configuration change request means that the responsible person for the whole configuration change request has received the information from the responsible persons for the affected orders so that all affected orders can be handled. When setting the configuration change request to status Approved, it indicates that a decision has been taken that it is now allowed to do the requested production changes on the affected orders, and connected DOP orders according to the configuration change request details information.
Decline a configuration change request can be done when one affected order status is Declined. Declining a configuration change request means that the user has investigated if the requested production changes mentioned in the affected order details can be done and the result is that at least one of the affected orders cannot be done.
When a configuration change request is set to Declined, it means the changes to the sales order configuration must be manually reverted to the original configuration. Alternatively, they can be changed to a different configuration, which will trigger the creation of a new configuration change request if the new configuration affects an ongoing supply. In this case, the previous configuration change request is set to Cancelled status.
Complete a configuration change request means that all production changes mentioned on the affected orders have been done.
When a configuration change request is set to status Completed, it means that all work with the configuration change request is done.
The configuration change must impact a started supply in production.
Configuration change request header must have the status Planned.
All configuration change request affected orders must have the status Approved.
At least one configuration change request affected order must have status Declined.
As a result of this activity the system:
As a result of this activity:
As a result of this activity the system:
As a result of this activity, the system changes the status of the configuration change request to Declined.
As a result of this activity, the system changes the status of the configuration change request to Completed.