This activity is used to connect different communication methods to a party ID. The part ID could be a company, customer, supplier, person, manufacturer, owner, forwarder, customs or tax office. The communication method can either be specific for an existing address ID or valid regardless of address ID. The different communication methods available in IFS are phone, mobile, fax, pager, e-mail, intercom, messenger and www.
If you enter more than one record for the same communication method or for a particular combination of communication method and address ID, you should also select which record you want as default. If no record is selected as default, the system might not be able to present the correct communication method information.
In order to perform this activity, the party ID to which the communication methods are to be connected must exist in the system.
As a result of this activity, communication method information can be presented by other functions in the system.
Account CRM
Communication Method
Communication Method
Communication Method
Communication Method
Tax Office
BDR Enter Customs
BDR Enter Manufacturer
BDR Enter Owner
Enter Person
Create and Update Company
Manage CRM Account
BDR Enter Forwarder
General Customer Information
General Supplier Information