Maintenance Surveys

Maintenance surveys are used by many companies to collect ad-hoc data and for process control purposes. A survey includes a set of questions that will be presented to the Maintenance or Service technician during work execution.

The surveys can be used in both Mobile Work Order and Technician Portals.

Defining a Survey

A survey is defined with an ID, Name, and a Description and can be made available for an appropriate period. Survey Introduction Text and Ending Text are mandatory to enter, but can be configured to display or hide when it is triggered using the toggles in the header.

If there are multiple surveys valid for the same workflow type, surveys are opened according to the Rank given. The survey with the lowest Rank is triggered first.

The Workflow Type specifies the event or the work process the survey should be triggered. Surveys are supported for the following workflow types.

Additionally, the following options can be used to configure the behavior of a survey.

Defining Survey Questions

When defining a maintenance survey, it is possible to specify the type of the questions together with the order they should be posted and the dependencies that may exist between these questions.

The following types of questions are supported.

It is possible to suggest an answer for a particular question for questions of type Yes/No, Multi Choice, Open–ended and Numerical. If a question is not mandatory to answer, the Optional flag can be set on those questions.

Some questions can be triggered based on an answer given to a previous question. For such questions, questions of type Yes/No or Multi Choice can be given as the Qualifying Question with the Qualifying Answer.

To avoid user errors, the user can be forced to enter the same answer twice by selecting the Confirm Answer option. This option is available for Open-ended and Numerical type questions.

Input Mask : It is possible to link an Input Mask for the questions of type Open-ended. This forces the technician to enter the answer in the format that is defined in the mask. The input masks are defined in Survey Basic Data\Survey Input Masks page. You can use the following formats when defining Input Masks.

Here are some examples of Input Masks.

The questions are presented to the user according to the order given in the survey. The order of the questions can be changed using Move Up or Move Down buttons.

Once the survey is defined, it can be approved and published. If any modifications are needed, use the Replan button to make the required changes. Only published surveys can be used in a Workflow Configuration.

Integration with Workflow Configuration  

The Workflow type of surveys that can be connected to a Workflow Configuration is as follows.

Workflow Configuration Type Workflow Type of the eForm
Person Resource Person Resource / Resource Start Shift / Resource End Shift
New Or Additional Service Work/ New Or Additional Work New Work / New Task
Object Object Information
Work Task / Configured Work Task Accept / Travel/Waiting at Location / Work Start / Cancel / Pause / Pending Completion /
Completed-Before / Completed-After / Incomplete / Work Assignment

Note : For Workflow Configuration Type Configured Work Task , only the surveys of workflow type Configured Workflow can be connected to an action in the Actions Flow tab. These must first be registered under eForms tab. It is possible to add multiple eForms for an action. Surveys connected to action EFORMS are listed in eForms page in mobile.

Survey answers

Survey Answers can be viewed in Mobile Maintenance\Maintenance Survey\Survey Answers page in IFS Cloud Web.

A Picture attached as an answer to a question can be viewed in the Attachment Panel on that question.

A thumbnail of a signature is displayed on the survey answer record. Use Show Signature option to view this signature.

If the same survey has been answered multiple times by the same person, each answer set is saved with a different Answer Set number.