Use this activity to define incomplete causes. When it's not possible to complete the work allocated for a work assignment due to reasons such as lack of competency, time, spare parts etc., you can set the work assignment to Incomplete status by defining the reason.
To cater to this need, you can use incomplete causes. In the navigator, navigate to Work Task Basic Data, then select Incomplete Cause.
Enabling the Reject Redispatch option on the Incomplete Cause allows you(technician) to indicate that the task should not be rescheduled to the same resource.
If you choose an Incomplete Cause with the Reject Redispatch flag set when setting a Work Assignment to Incomplete, this action creates a Resource Preference with Preference 0 for the Work Task in Work Task\ Scheduling Information. This consideration is taken into account in PSO when rescheduling the task. Currently, this functionality is limited to mobile.