Use this dialog box to distribute the adjusted forecast in another way than the standard way. The standard way is that if you have 2 base flows added into a combined flow and base flow 1 part A has a forecast of 60 and base flow 2 part A has a forecast of 40, this makes the combined flow part A forecast to be 100. If you change the combined flow forecast for part A from 100 to 1000 then part A flow 1 becomes 600 and flow 2 becomes 400. This is the standard percentual way. With Distributed adjustment, you can decide that you will make the disaggregation based on another parts percentual distirbution instead of part A own distribution. So if you then select to base the disaggregation on part B instead and part B has a forecast of 20 and 80 for flow 1 and flow 2, then the change above would have given part A an forecast of 200 and 800 for flow 1 and flow 2 instead. When a part has 0 forecast and no history the split is sone evenly (50/50).
Typical usages of Disitrbuted Adjustment are
The Dialog is divided into several tabs.
Here you select what should be the target for the distribution, essentially what to copy from the aggregated level to the base flow levels.There are two options here,
Here, you select which part of the base flow parts defined in the source conditions you want to base your percentage/split on. When selecting history you can decide how many periods of the historical data that you want to use, starting from the latest period.
This is what you want to divide or split by, if you are doing a fair share distribution/split then you are standing on a combined flow part and want to split down to the base flow parts, distribute by should then be flow. If you have selected to base it on the Forecast, you can also distribute by flow and periods (Field 1 and Field 2) since the forecast does have unique values per period that can form unique percentages per period as well. This section will have different number of fields depending on the level you are standing on. If you are standing on combined flow part level then there are 2 fields, if you are standing on a family level there can be more fields, the macimum is 4 fields.
Field 1: What dimension to distribute on, the number and the fields available here depends on the level you are standing on in the Demand Forecast/Main screen. Values are <empty>, flow, periods, Part No, <The selected group fields of the Demand Plan Server>.
Field 2: What dimension to distribute on, the number and the fields available here depends on the level you are standing on in the Demand Forecast/Main screen. Values are <empty>, flow, periods, Part No, <The selected group fields of the Demand Plan Server>.
Field 3: What dimension to distribute on, the number and the fields available here depends on the level you are standing on in the Demand Forecast/Main screen. Values are <empty>, flow, periods, Part No, <The selected group fields of the Demand Plan Server>.
Field 4: What dimension to distribute on, the number and the fields available here depends on the level you are standing on in the Demand Forecast/Main screen. Values are <empty>, flow, periods, Part No, <The selected group fields of the Demand Plan Server>.
This section is the filter to determine which base flow parts that should be included when computing the percentages/splits that the disaggregation will be based upon.
This tab shows a table with the percentages of each member of the distribute by field(s) selected in the Distribute by in the Distribution tab. You are free to change the percentages if wanted. If altered so that the totals no longer adds up to 100%, you can normalize the numbers by clicking the Normalize button. Generating the result on an unnormlized calculation will result in a change of the staring forecast, if >100 the forecast will increase in value if <100 then the forecast will decrease in value.
Cells with '-' means that this combination does not exist in the target selection. Eg. the new T-Shirt does not exist in size XXL, then the cells for the new T-Shirt in size XXL will be marked with -.
Red numbers means that this combination does not exist in the source selection. Eg. the new T-Shirt comes in sizes XS, S, M and L, but the T-Shirt model selected to be the source for the distribution only comes in sizes S,M and L, then the Cells for the new T-Shirt in size XS will get red numbers.
This tab shows a table where you can see the resulting forecast numbers on the base flow parts, you can also edit this result table if you want. Pushing Apply will save the forecasts in the result table to the base flow parts.
Cells with Red background means that these periods are not authorized (outside the set phase in / phase out periods)
The aggregated forecast or lifecycle model parameters will be disaggregated down to the base flow parts.