Complete Work Assignment
This activity concludes work defined on a Work Assignment. Once
you accomplish all the defined work on a work assignment, you can set it to
status Completed. You have the option to either return the work assignment
to back office or keep it on mobile for further report-in and return later.
If the Allow Multiple Visits flag is enabled on the Work Task,
you can set the Work Assignment to Completed using the Complete Visit
action. When completing the visit, you are presented with the question of
whether another visit is required to complete the remaining work. You
can select one of the following options:
- Yes, Enter remaining time : You must enter the
remaining time required to complete the work. This updates the Time
to Completion on the Work Assignment.
- Yes, automatically calculate remaining time : The
remaining time is automatically calculated based on the time already spent working
and the planned duration of the Work Task. The Time to Completion
of the Work Assignment is updated accordingly.
- No : The work is considered fully complete, and no further
work is required. The Time to Completion of the Work Assignment
is set to 0 . If any follow-on work assignments exist, those are
removed or cancelled.
Read more about the general behavior for complete state event in
Work Assignments.
- A work assignment should exist where all the associated work have been
- Any time, material, expense, or external costs for the work done should
have been reported.
System Effects
- The work assignment is set to the status Completed.
- If a work time Clock-In exists on the work assignment, that will be
Clocked-Out, and a work time transaction will be created.
- If Complete Visit action is used , based on the
option selected for the plan for any remaining work, the Time to
Completion attribute on the Work Assignment will be updated in
back office.